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Sunday, September 16, 2012


Wastebaskets do not contain classified material. Classified  notes,  carbon  paper,  carbon  and plastic typewriter ribbons, rough drafts, and similar papers have been properly stored or destroyed. As a matter of routine, such items should be placed in burn bags immediately after they have served their purpose. When classified material is secured in security containers, the dial of combination locks should be rotated at least four complete turns in the same direction. CLASSIFIED MATERIAL (SPECAT/TS AND ABOVE) Classified  material  excludes  communications security (COMSEC) material, which is handled by CMS  1  procedures.  Further  in-depth  information  on classified material can be found in the  Security  Manual and in NTP 4. 1. Receive: The   Top   Secret   Control   Officer   (TSCO)   is responsible  for  receiving,  maintaining  “cradle  to  grave” accountability  registers  for,  distributing  and  destroying Top Secret, SPECAT/TS, and above documents. All Top Secret, SPECAT/TS, and above material received  or  originated  by  a  command,  which  the  TSCO is responsible for, is entered into the command’s accountability   log. Top Secret, SPECAT/TS, and above message traffic, handled by naval communication stations for relay or broadcast delivery only, or received by an afloat command via the fleet broadcast but not addressed to that command will be accounted for and destroyed in accordance with NTP 4. Top Secret, SPECAT/TS, and above messages addressed to the command are: Logged into the cryptocenter log. Master copy is placed in the cryptocenter file, and fillers are placed in the appropriate files. One copy is given to the TSCO for entry into the   command’s   controlled   distribution register. Top  Secret,  SPECAT/TS,  and  above  messages received by an afloat command but NOT addressed to the command via the broadcast: Only  the  text  will  be  removed  from  the monitor  roll. The  message  will  be  destroyed,  and  the monitor  roll  will  be  initialed  by  two witnessing   officials. The  broadcast  serial  number  checkoff  sheet will  also  be  initialed  by  two  witnessing officials. 2.  Destroy: Top Secret, SPECAT/TS, and above material will be destroyed by two witnessing officials. Persons performing  any  destruction  must  have  a  clearance  level equal to or higher than the material being destroyed.  The  destruction  of  Top  Secret,  SPECAT/TS,  and  above material  must  be  recorded.  Destruction  may  be recorded on OPNAV form 5511/12 (figure 5-1), or any other record which includes complete identification of the material, number of copies destroyed, date of destruction,  and  personnel  completing  destruction.  The two witnessing officials responsible for the destruction must sign the record of destruction. The records of the destruction are retained for 2 years. 3. Verify  destruction: The destruction of Top Secret, SPECAT/TS, and above material must be verified by both witnesses signing the destruction sheet and either turning it over to the TSCO or placing it in the cryptocenter master file until it is superseded, usually within 2 years. HANDLING TOP SECRET MATERIAL Although  administrative  records  are  maintained  for each  classification  category,  the  strictest  control  system is required for Top Secret material. Except for publications containing a distribution list by copy number, all Top Secret documents and each item  of  Top  Secret  equipment  must  be  serially numbered  at  the  time  of  origination.  Also,  each document must be marked to indicate its copy number (for example, Copy No. ___ of ___ Copies). Each page of a Top Secret document not containing a list of effective pages (LOEP) must be individually numbered (for example, Page ___ of ___ pages). Top Secret documents are required to have a list of effective pages  and  a  page-check  page.  Top  Secret  documents may  be  reproduced  only  with  the  permission  of  the originator  or  higher  authority. 5-8

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